Saturday, May 21, 2011

Spotting update

So three ladies have been spotting Mr. Worthington now for nearly every week of the past month. We now have a general idea of where he lives and we have discovered something new. He has what we presume is a lady friend. She's slightly smaller than Mr. Worthington and is extremely jumpy. We've been seeing her in the same area and we have seen her together with Mr. Worthington.
How can we tell the difference between them you ask? Well Mr. Worthington lets people get rather close and will only hop a few paces away before he stops. The lady friend, whom we shall call Agatha Bailey Reinhart, will immediately run away post haste.
We have spotted a small baby rabbit in the area and we are unsure if they are the child of Mr. Worthington and Ms. Reinhart since they seem to be the only grown rabbits we have spotted thus far in the area.
We plan to do a stake out and determine the true household of Mr. Worthington so that we may leave presents as his new neighbors.

In other news, we now have pictures of Mr. Worthington that we will share when we can transfer them to a computer.